1 Second Everyday : 2019

2019 was pretty great. I listed some of the good and bad things about the year, and throughout the last 12 months I continued my 1 Second Everyday.

Using the app is now something that’s pretty much autonomous in my life- filming/recording each day is just a given. For as much enjoyment as I get out of making the video however, the greater delight is watching it afterwards, and seeing everything that’s happened.

The same is true here, where there is no way i’d have remembered nearly as much of the year as I would’ve without documenting it like this. The app and project have been a great way of identifying the smaller moments, scenes, and events of my life, and piecing them together like the patchwork of smaller moments -that life in itself is- has been incredibly rewarding. Equally fulfilling has been friends and family saying they look forward to seeing each completed month on Instagram- sometimes i’m invariably looking too closely at these seconds so its great to hear things like that.

As with last time i’ve uploaded the full video over on YouTube- any likes, comments or subscribes would be greatly appreciated!