A Lego-specific Instagram account

A few weeks ago I bought a lightbox to experiement a little in Lego photography. If i’m honest I’m really yet to start with it properly, but 2020 as a whole has been a great year to re-prioritise things and re-evaluate what I want do with my free time. With a lot more time at home I’ve really gotten back into my Lego in a big way, and while things I’m building now won’t get quite the public display at exhibitions like I was hoping, it’s good to progress ahead and really have projects to focus on.

The castle i’m building at the moment is taking a while and still needs a bit longer in the oven (figuratively of course, not literally) and I’m confident and more importantly excited it will be finished this year. As progress continues I’m hoping to be posting monthly build updates here and also just more words about Lego in general (it’s my number one hobby!). A few days ago I decided to open that up a bit more, bit the bullet, and made a secondary Instagram account just for my Lego posts and for following other enthusiasts. There’s not much there at the moment while i’m still getting set up, but it is absolutely something I’m planning to use quite a bit, especially over the coming winter. Not everyone wants to see pictures of minifigs, not everyone wants to see pictures of me, lets split the content up across accounts!

Only days in i’ve already found it incredibly beneficial to the algorithms and the recommendations I get, and while the new account is something of a content/subject matter echo chamber it’s inspiring seeing what everyone else is doing, while simultaneously encouraging by getting that feedback and praise from others. If nothing else it’s all a massive experiment in social media manipulation, but one that’s working for me, for now at least. If anyone reading wants to give it a nosey or a follow you can find it here, or by clicking the picture below!