December Status Update

With most of the year in tatters, new strains of virus, and further lockdowns, things weren’t looking too optimistic for the end of the year. November went by quickly, but doubly so for December; a month full of dark mornings, darker afternoons, and, well, dark days every week to be honest, with little breaks for good weather or activities outside the house.

A week before mainland Scotland entered lockdown again (or “Tier 4”-the same thing really) we managed to escape to the cinema again for one last big film of the year, and watched Wonder Woman 1984. As with Tenet earlier in the year the experience was great, with huge visuals, epic sound, and great atmosphere. I’ve only been to the cinema five times this year and while the two afore-mentioned films weren’t always perfect, I really missed cinemas this year! I miss doing things in general if I’m honest! I’ve missed seeing people, and the same weekend as Wonder Woman 1984 I got to catch up with lots of friends for two separate Secret Santa lunch gift exchanges. As with cinema trips both lunches make up only a handful of meals I’ve had with friends this year, and after the year being what it has it was great seeing so many people for the first time in ages, safely. Lots of in-jokes, and food, and nerd talk, and great gifts too, from people that I’ve relied and depended on a lot this year. Even with masks and distancing, everything that weekend felt incredibly…normal- a fantastic mid-way relief from winter.

Until Xmas Eve, and maybe even the day itself I hadn’t been feeling very festive at all, so our Xmas tree went up relatively early in December, and there was always lots of films on to try and chase or replicate that feeling. Some worked better than others. Household and family-mixing was advised against, so after a busy social weekend the weekend before, Xmas this year was just my partner, our dog, and I, and this was really great. The usual amount of food, drink, and bad films were all there, and everything was just. so. relaxed. It was fantastic switching off from everything outside the house and inside my head for a while, and even without the festivities this would’ve been more than enough. No appointments! Nowhere to be! No social arrangements! Just a few days of long-needed lazy off-mode indulgence and time spent as a family.

There were gifts too! An excellent selection of books I’m now planning for a similar reading challenge to this year’s, new boardgames to play, and clothes too. The best present was the most unexpected: this year I was fortunate enough to unwrap an actual velociraptor tooth gifted by my partner. What the fuck! A 700-million year old tooth that’s now in the house and on the bookshelf, and undoubtedly one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. I still can’t believe it to be honest.

Xmas and year-end are a great time for giving, spending time with loved ones, and reflecting. This year I’m incredibly thankful for anyone that’s suffered my moaning, moodswings, or mental disasters, and I really appreciate anyone this year that has listened. As everything outside in 2020 got harder I’ve spent a lot more time inside and in my head, and video-chats, online D&D, and being here, blogging, has helped me vent accordingly. Even if or when things “go back to normal” I really want to keep all of this up. 2020 has been an absolute shitter, but maybe some things can stay.