I havent really built anything significant out of Lego for a while. This year I was planning to build quite a lot for display at a number of Lego shows and exhibitions later this year, but like lots of other events, they’ve now since been either postponed or cancelled. There goes all that creative urgency…

New Elementary recently ran a contest to Switch My Lantern Up, a Lego contest using the new Green Lantern um…lantern piece as a seed part of something else. I found it really difficult to use it in a way that’s not obviously Green Lantern’s lantern, and my entry was nowhere near as good as the winners of the contest but I gave it a bash anyway. Collecting Lego DC minifigures has been something ive been doing for as long as they’ve been making them, and in the last year and a bit i’ve started making dioramas or scenes to use them fully. It’s taking a lot longer than it should if i’m honest as i’m very slow at getting things started, but im happy with what ive done so far. There’s a few already in my Lego gallery, so for the contest I decided to build another:


Dastardly Dr Jonathan Crane aka THE SCARECROW is at it again! Creating FEAR TOXIN in a hidden lab at ACE CHEMICALS, our valiant hero BATMAN shows up to give the doctor a taste of his own medicine! Production is already underway however, and the fright formula now ready for bottling! Can our hero overcome his enemy’s chemical onslaught and save GOTHAM?