Brickmania 2022

After several years of being an AFOL followed by, oh yeah, a global pandemic, last month I finally got to attend and display at my first Lego show!

Brickmania 2022 was organised and hosted by my dear TartanLUG, and was a great weekend of Lego builds, shops, and fans situated in the Buchan Braes hotel just outside of Peterhead, Scotland. This was an incredibly cathartic two days for me- after building and sharing Lego creations alone for years uploading them online, it was great displaying for real fans, and definitely provided some validation to a hobby that I hold so dear to my heart. THIS IS A THING THAT OTHER PEOPLE DO AS WELL!

Very emotional, honestly. I’ve got lots more words -and potentially video- to share, but for now, some photo highlights from the weekend. I’ve left off my own MOCs- what I displayed will be revealed later. I’ll be looking to attend next year -as well as all the other Lego shows inbetween!- but what I saw that weekend was really inspiring. I’ll be going back even better!