2022 was...

Catching Covid again, Starting a new job, Opening a museum, Stories featuring ghosts, Elden Ring, Edinburgh, Back to normal, Picking a wedding date and venue, Big walks with Wes & Julie, Pirate Scavenger Hunt, Olli Olli World, First time glamping, A bit of outdoor swimming, Promoting a museum, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Ailish’s 30th Birthday, Hot tubs, Writing and hosting a Murder Mystery, Managing a museum, a MRI scan, Displaying at Lego shows, New friends, Brickmania 2022, TartanLUG, Oban Winter Bricks, Displaying in the Lego store, Heavy workload, 4 stars from Visit Scotland, Granny passing away, Too much Overwatch, Julie’s Birthday, Hogmany house with friends, and so many other ups & downs, and months I feel I never had time to process.

It was a busy year, but hopefully one of growth.

1 Second Everyday: 2022

Normally, around this time of year, I post my completed 1 Second Everyday for the year, showcasing through video some of the things I did over the year, the places I visited, and invariably, food eaten/games played/books read et al.

This year was a little different. After struggling with this project over the pandemic, I bounced back, but in 2022 I found myself too busy to continue with it. I started a new job in January which had a heavy -though ultimately rewarding!- workload, and any leftover creative energy was always spent preparing for Lego fanshows and meet ups.

So… this year’s video only runs from January to June. Gaps began to appear in March, April is very incomplete, and by July…I just completely stopped work on it. Ultimately, four years in to the project, i’m not sure what else there is to cover, or crucially, how else to present it- it’s something I may revisit in the future. For now however, 1 Second Everyday: 2022.