
My Favourite Films

Over on Instagram i’ve been taking part in a 30 Day Film “Challenge”, posting film posters and art to specific prompts, and then invariably giving a few comments about why I picked them. Some of the daily prompts are quite vapid, and some a lot more meaningful than others, but It’s something i’ve enjoyed doing daily. Recommending films is something i’m always eager to do, but this gave me reason to actually stop and think what my favourites were. A recurring issue ive had with the challenge is finding myself wanting to write even more about why these films are so good, why they’re special or clever or why I’ve enjoyed them so much, hence this post here.

All-time favourites and top lists are always subject to change, of course, and there’s always going to be discourse and debate about any list. It’s not ordered at all, it’s quite loose, it’s just films that I really like for one reason or another. I’m not even sure if these are my definitive favourite films so i’ve included other possible candidates/runners up at the bottom. I might redo in a year’s time just to see.

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