MOC: Widmore Keep

After two lockdowns, several weekend builds, and a great supply of Light Bluish Grey bricks from my Lego User Group, Widmore Keep is finally finished! The MOC is a remake of a Castle I built 11 years ago, but expanded, bigger, and with a few new bricks and building techniques from the subsequent years. This was something I was building with intentions to display at a number of Lego fairs and exhibitions last year, and while that’s still the plan, it’s entirely dependent on the world (and it’s governments) sorting itself out again. The castle and scene are inspired by many of the Lego catalogue dioramas from the late 80s with armies of minifigs battling and trying to attack castles. Impossible for me to ever fully recreate as a kid, but fortunately the images and ideas were brought forward with me to where we are now: an Adult Fan of Lego! I’m very happy with how it turned out, so there are plenty of photos and some narrative text below while some making-of pics can be found here. There will be a video at some point- it’s taking a bit longer to sort out. Enjoy!

Widmore Keep- a small holding fortress recognised across the country and on the borders of the greater forests. The High Sherriff William Thomas holds court here, a keeper of key and shrewd to the core, he wants to outlaw and punish many of the forest bandits, rogues, and families for apparent crimes against the crown. Assisted by Quartermaster Wulfstan Reede, Master Bowman Edeline Mille, and a small infantry, the walls are thick and defences are kept secure. Master Dolfair the appointed leader of the Forestpeople has been wrongly captured and sat in a cell for months now, long forgotten, his imprisonment is a cruel ongoing message. Enough is enough- his protégé, Rowan the Cunning, a folk legend hero of break ins, breaks outs, and brimming with deviousness, plots to break him out…