February Status Update

February is the shortest month of the year and went by, as expected, suitably fast. This month was a bit of a struggle with life feeling A LOT right now, so I’m going to change the post format up this month and just reel off some of the stuff that happened. The end of the month is here a lot sooner than I’m ready for it!

  • I finally completed my Lego Castle MOC, posted the pics here, and really promoted it pretty heavily across all my social media channels. I love how well it came out and it looks really great finished- much better than I ever could’ve hoped for. It’s done really well online and lots of people have liked, commented, and loved it, and that’s a nice feeling. It’s been built to display at Lego exhibitions, but I’ll be making and posting a video of the Castle in the meantime soonish.

  • This month I joined my *third* ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign, jumping into a new party with a new DM. Already playing as Henk the Half-Orc Barbarian Dentist and Panwick the Cunning Halfling Heist-burgular in my other games, I’m now also playing as Medarin Dunshield; a stoic Paladin with backstory tragedy travelling to Icewind Dale to vanquish great evil. All games feel greatly different tonally and I really like that. More fantasy escapism please!

  • I started building Lego 21325 Medieval Blacksmith this month! This was a post-xmas lockdown treat that I bought for myself and I’m currently building it now…

  • …live on Twitch! This is something I enjoyed doing a lot more than I thought I would and it was good to just sit and talk about Lego for two whole hours. Strangely therapeutic! I’m aiming to build every sunday, you can follow along at twitch.tv/rditr

  • I started studying properly -after registering last month- and I am now a History and Archaeology student! For the most part I am enjoying studying again, but it has been difficult jumping in head first and trying to adapt to the pace of it. There’s a lot of reading, a lot of writing, and then even more additional reading if there’s time or energy left. I’ve found myself a bit overwhelmed with it at times but hopefully this all balances out as the weeks progress.

  • Winter was winter (cold with snow), work was work (busy with reports), and lockdown was lockdown (exhausting with emptiness).

I’ve been having a lot of problems balancing everything this month and it’s been a big reccuring problem for me. Winter, work, and continued lockdown in particular have really made the easy tasks feel quite hard, and while I want to do so much in the evenings and weekends, the energy, time, and enthusiasm really isn’t there. A constant big conflict of “what I need to do” VS “what I want to do” VS “what i’m going to do instead”, and the latter is, as the above; more D&D, Lego stuff, and big evenings just playing The Sims. In March I’m hopeful everything will slow down a little and I can get back on track with anything I need to do. On that list “RELAX” has a big line underneath it.