February Status Update

February is the shortest month of the year and went by, as expected, suitably fast. This month was a bit of a struggle with life feeling A LOT right now, so I’m going to change the post format up this month and just reel off some of the stuff that happened. The end of the month is here a lot sooner than I’m ready for it!

  • I finally completed my Lego Castle MOC, posted the pics here, and really promoted it pretty heavily across all my social media channels. I love how well it came out and it looks really great finished- much better than I ever could’ve hoped for. It’s done really well online and lots of people have liked, commented, and loved it, and that’s a nice feeling. It’s been built to display at Lego exhibitions, but I’ll be making and posting a video of the Castle in the meantime soonish.

  • This month I joined my *third* ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign, jumping into a new party with a new DM. Already playing as Henk the Half-Orc Barbarian Dentist and Panwick the Cunning Halfling Heist-burgular in my other games, I’m now also playing as Medarin Dunshield; a stoic Paladin with backstory tragedy travelling to Icewind Dale to vanquish great evil. All games feel greatly different tonally and I really like that. More fantasy escapism please!

  • I started building Lego 21325 Medieval Blacksmith this month! This was a post-xmas lockdown treat that I bought for myself and I’m currently building it now…

  • …live on Twitch! This is something I enjoyed doing a lot more than I thought I would and it was good to just sit and talk about Lego for two whole hours. Strangely therapeutic! I’m aiming to build every sunday, you can follow along at twitch.tv/rditr

  • I started studying properly -after registering last month- and I am now a History and Archaeology student! For the most part I am enjoying studying again, but it has been difficult jumping in head first and trying to adapt to the pace of it. There’s a lot of reading, a lot of writing, and then even more additional reading if there’s time or energy left. I’ve found myself a bit overwhelmed with it at times but hopefully this all balances out as the weeks progress.

  • Winter was winter (cold with snow), work was work (busy with reports), and lockdown was lockdown (exhausting with emptiness).

I’ve been having a lot of problems balancing everything this month and it’s been a big reccuring problem for me. Winter, work, and continued lockdown in particular have really made the easy tasks feel quite hard, and while I want to do so much in the evenings and weekends, the energy, time, and enthusiasm really isn’t there. A constant big conflict of “what I need to do” VS “what I want to do” VS “what i’m going to do instead”, and the latter is, as the above; more D&D, Lego stuff, and big evenings just playing The Sims. In March I’m hopeful everything will slow down a little and I can get back on track with anything I need to do. On that list “RELAX” has a big line underneath it.

MOC: Widmore Keep

After two lockdowns, several weekend builds, and a great supply of Light Bluish Grey bricks from my Lego User Group, Widmore Keep is finally finished! The MOC is a remake of a Castle I built 11 years ago, but expanded, bigger, and with a few new bricks and building techniques from the subsequent years. This was something I was building with intentions to display at a number of Lego fairs and exhibitions last year, and while that’s still the plan, it’s entirely dependent on the world (and it’s governments) sorting itself out again. The castle and scene are inspired by many of the Lego catalogue dioramas from the late 80s with armies of minifigs battling and trying to attack castles. Impossible for me to ever fully recreate as a kid, but fortunately the images and ideas were brought forward with me to where we are now: an Adult Fan of Lego! I’m very happy with how it turned out, so there are plenty of photos and some narrative text below while some making-of pics can be found here. There will be a video at some point- it’s taking a bit longer to sort out. Enjoy!

Widmore Keep- a small holding fortress recognised across the country and on the borders of the greater forests. The High Sherriff William Thomas holds court here, a keeper of key and shrewd to the core, he wants to outlaw and punish many of the forest bandits, rogues, and families for apparent crimes against the crown. Assisted by Quartermaster Wulfstan Reede, Master Bowman Edeline Mille, and a small infantry, the walls are thick and defences are kept secure. Master Dolfair the appointed leader of the Forestpeople has been wrongly captured and sat in a cell for months now, long forgotten, his imprisonment is a cruel ongoing message. Enough is enough- his protégé, Rowan the Cunning, a folk legend hero of break ins, breaks outs, and brimming with deviousness, plots to break him out…

January Status Update

After the excitement, fun, and just mega relaxing of Xmas and New Year, January has been for the most part a long uneventful month. Lockdown is infinite, work is forever, weekends are my time. After setting some resolutions and goals for the year ahead, January has been a month of forming new habits and behaviours.

With long nights and more time inside, boardgames were great distractions. This month Ailish and I started playing Ticket to Ride: Europe, after getting it for Xmas a few weeks previously. The Ticket To Ride series is something I’ve been aware of for a few years now, but this was my first time playing any of them in a series now spanning the last 16 years. Players take turns bulding trainlines and transport networks across a map, scoring for objectives and route length with coloured carriage meeples and card drafting. I’m mostly indifferent to trains but I missed travelling so much last year, so it was fun plotting journeys across a map and visiting different capitals. We both liked the game a lot (and scored highly!) so this one is definitely a keeper, and game nights in general are something we’re wanting to do more regularly. It will definitely be getting played more!

Last year I watched 141 films in, around, and after the initial lockdown and had a great time doing it. Seven starred Michael Caine, six with Daniel Craig, and five directed by Christopher Nolan. Of my twenty five most watched actors that year only one -Morgan Freeman- wasn’t white(!), and of the sixteen directors, only one again stands out- Taika Waititi. Going in to this year I wanted to watch things more culturally and gender diverse instead of just distinctly and predominantly white male. This is a longer goal, but this month I watched the excellent anthology series Small Axe by director Steve McQueen. The five stories individually show different aspects of the culture, segregation, and racism of London’s West Indian community between 1960-1980 and combine to paint a bigger unique picture. All the films have a distinctive voice and there is a very real sense of history and documentary within each film. It feels and looks real, because, well, these are stories that really happened, and Steven McQueen is great at capturing that. It’s very well done, and I’m on board to follow whatever he does next.

One of my other big resolutions for the year was to do more creative writing! This month I started on a short story, wrote a synopsis for something bigger that’s been rattling around for a while, and entered a short 50 word contest. A great start, but as the month went on things changed pretty abruptly and it’s not something I’m going to be able to prioritise for now…because I’m studying again! After some really nasty existentialism and doubt last year I felt I wanted to actually do something, and I’m now enrolled doing postgraduate History and Archaeology of the Highlands and Islands through part-time distance-learning. I woke up and just jumped in! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now and while I continue to doubt if I’m clever, young, or have enough time to do it succesfully, I’m looking forward to the challenge. The opening module lasts from now until May, giving me a break before continuing again with the next one after the summer. This is something I’m hoping to focus on a lot this year and while it’s worrying I’ll have less free time, it’s exciting knowing that something bigger is happening instead.

With a Covid_19 vaccination still months away for me even with good intentions 2021 is probably going to be a difficult year again. I want to be out, seeing people, having dinners, and travelling, and none of that will probably be possible again for a while. It’s reassuring however, if the world does go fully tits up again, it means I have some goals and habits, plans and resolutions to keep me ticking over. Less uncertainty please.

Lego 6066 Forestmen Camouflaged Outpost

With official guidance to stay at home, and increasingly more reason to never go outside (I joke, but…) this past year I’ve really gone deep into Lego as a hobby, and I’ve found myself really relishing it as a timesink. Between building my Lego Castle and creating an Instagram just for Lego, pottering about with bricks and sorting, handling and organising, I’ve just found it incredibly comforting. I already have far too much Lego, but for Xmas past I pushed the boat out and got one last pick-me-up of the year: 6066 Forestmen Camouflaged Outpost.

The set released originally in 1987, and at the tender age of one(!) I obviously missed it first time round. As a Lego Castle faction, I missed the entirety of the Forestmen -a tree dwelling band of Robin Hood-esque thieves- and never actually had any of the sets or minifigs despite the awareness of them. I remember seeing them in shops, in old catalogues, and a lot more often when I became an AFOL but it’s only maybe in the last 12ish years I’ve gotten some of the minifigs. Only 7 sets were released in the theme, and this is now my first.

I picked this up on eBay for what I think is a bargain, and while it had been opened, both the box and instructions were in great condition. The whole thing to be honest was in great shape, with pieces still rigid, coloured, and all the prints still intact. Someone really looked after this! I set time aside for building it and it was a really rewarding experience handling the bricks and admiring the old-school instructions, how everything was just so much simpler, and well…pure. And six minifigs included! As a set it’s not too detailed compared to modern standards but it has plenty of room for imagination and adventure to take over, and all it needs is a rival knight or thief to get involved and there’s a story there immediately. I’m very fortunate to have this thirty three years later, and building it made me both happy and sadly nostalgic.

The set rests in front of me on my desk where it catches my eye everytime I pass. For now I want to keep it separate from the rest of the collection, but in a few weeks I might see about acquiring some more sets from the same era and make a large classic diorama. It’s time to go (evem further) all in!

1 Second Everyday : 2020

As with 2019 last year, this year I continued my 1 Second Everyday project, recording upto, during, after, and again throughout all the nastiness that the year provided. I slipped up and missed a few days this year and things weren’t always ‘filmable’ but I’m mostly happy with the finished result. 2020 was quite a varied year with lots of challenges globally, culturally, and personally, so filming everyday when I was in the house not actually doing anything or seeing anyone meant making the video was a lot harder than it would’ve been any other year. That’s probably the point; there’s a notable tonal change around April, but looking back I’m amazed at all the things I did, and places I went and everything else, so I’m glad I kept the project going. Here it is below!

New Year Goals

Happy New Year! Last year I set myself some resolutions for the year ahead and while I met some of them, rando factors such as leg injury and GLOBAL PANDEMIC meant there were plenty of travel and running based ones I couldn’t actually achieve. I still managed to propose to a long-waiting Ailish though, so some very big life goals ticked there instead!

Resolutions are funny ones- I realise today is just like any other…Friday, but goals, aspirations, bettering and challenging yourself as a person should never be something seen as cynical or negative. The world and society can change on complete whims however, so while I’m loosely aiming to do some of the things below I’m mindful as well of their viability. Writing them down keeps me accountable I guess, but also, maybe, inspires others?

  • After reading 25 books last year, this year I want to read even more. It might not sound like much but last year I ream more than any other year in my life, and I really want to continue that. I’ve got a big pile of things I’m starting on shortly, if you want to follow my process give me a follow on Goodreads.

  • Something I’m also looking forward to starting is Creative Writing! Last year over lockdown I took some online courses, did a few writing prompts and read On Writing by Stephen King. Full of ideas and shit, I’m hoping to start writing something properly in the first half of the year.

  • This year I want to finish my Lego Castle WIP and I’m not planning on posting or talking about it anymore until it’s finished. This one’s definitely getting done! If the virus and the world behaves I’m hoping to display the Castle in public and attend a few Lego shows too, but this is very subject to change.

  • Equally ambitious is travelling more. I really want to visit different places again and see new sights, and if travel abroad isn’t viable I’d still like to explore Scotland a bit more and have some staycations instead.

  • If I’m able to I’d like to get running again. A leg injury (diagnosis leading towards a trapped nerve at the moment) means I wasn’t really active at all in 2020. If possible I want to get moving again, but completely at my own pace and distance, so no races or PB targets at all. Just gentle running for fun.

  • Last year I watched 141 films, and 82 films I’d never seen before- a lot of films! A lot of Michael Caine, Christopher Nolan, and Daniel Craig, and blockbuster tentpole franchises. I want to watch more this year again, but this time I want to diversify a bit with different directors, actors, and voices, and probably more low-key stuff.

And just generally look after myself physically and mentally a lot better, through exercise, better eating, and less doomscrolling! 2020 was a bit of a disaster on this front, but I’m hoping to take steps to get back to where I should be, and that should make all of the above a lot easier. Lets see how well that goes…